Oscar Jack Punch


B. Eng. (Hons.) Chemical and Process Engineering (2020), The University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Ph. D. Chemical and Process Engineering (2023), The University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Advisors: Professor Daniel Holland and Professor Mathieu Sellier


During his Ph. D study, Oscar focused on binary collisions of wetted particles in the pendular regime. He developed a novel method using an electrified Newton’s cradle to measure the contact dynamics of two colliding wetted particles with a time resolution multiple orders of magnitude faster than current high speed imaging techniques. This novel method was coupled with numerical simulations to investigate a promising model which suggests that the interstitial liquid undergoes a glass transition.

At Columbia, Oscar uses both experimental and numerical techniques to investigate complex multiphase systems. He is particularly interested in experiments of highly unstable three-phase (gas/liquid/solid) multiphase flows, and the work we can do to improve our understanding and control of these systems.